For the man who loves golf, drinking, and has a lot of unexpected responsibilities, this is for him.
Does your man deal with socially inept people all day? Does he struggle to fit in with company culture? If there’s someone in your man’s life as incessant as a ground-dwelling rodent, he’s going to want to get his drink on. And perhaps more than occasionally. Now you can help him do it with class. The personalized golf-motif decanter will help him loosen his grip on reality without entirely losing it. Knick knack paddywhack give a man a drink, all his troubles suddenly feel weak.
Paddywhack is an engraved clear glass decanter that features a heavy-weighted base, glass topper, and square silhouette.
Dimensions: 4” L. x 4” W. x 9” H.; holds up to 34 oz.
You can personalize this with 1 initial. It makes a great personalized gift for all the golf lovers out there.